Canceled – Go Padres! Speaker: Tiana Babcock, The Fisher House San Diego

Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where Military and Veteran Families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. These homes are located at military and Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Centers around the world. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites with private bedrooms and baths. Guests share a common…

Speaker: Arnold Gum, Developed phone GPS

Recently retired as a Patent Attorney at Qualcomm Incorporated that focused on GPS, telecommunication, and wireless applications. Product line manager for gpsOne integrated GPS products. Drove Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) adoption into worldwide mobile devices for both emergency services and location-based applications. Developed the Qualcomm position location portfolio from inception into a quarter-billion dollar…

Speaker: Mayor Todd Gloria

A third-generation San Diegan of Filipino, Dutch, Puerto Rican, and Native American descent, Mayor Gloria’s lifelong career in public service was inspired by a lesson his parents – a hotel maid and a gardener – taught him at a young age: if you care about something, then you should leave it better than you found…

Speaker: Steven Cantu, Friendly Inclusive Gardening

Stephen Cantu, a UC Master Gardener is on a mission to improve accessibility and inclusiveness in gardening for people with mobility issues. Stephen has used a wheelchair for 37 years due to a job site accident and identifies obstacles and solutions that help people of all abilities benefit from the joys of tending a home garden.…

Speaker: Colin Parent, Circulate San Diego

Colin Parent will present on Vision Zero, a concept of ending traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Beginning in 2015, Circulate San Diego launched a campaign to implement Vision Zero in the San Diego region. They published a major report with then-Mayor Faulconer, and secured a commitment from the City Council to eliminate traffic deaths. Solutions…

Speaker: Paul Krueger, Zoning Law Tension

Can a current or prospective homeowner or buyers in San Diego expect to be living in single-family neighborhoods? Not necessarily with the new laws in the state and San Diego that now allow for “granny flats” construction and can allow for six to eight unit Auxiliary Dwelling Units (ADUs) on a single family lot—with no…



The Downtown San Diego Lions Club catering is provided by Las Hadas